onsdag 20 februari 2008


Dating a German is brilliant. The most brilliant thing I have ever done. Never have I experienced anything so clear, uncomplicated and informative in my entire life. He even beats the Swedes. Evidence on this:
  • He informs and discusses with me when he wants to visit me and wants to plan this
  • When he cannot call as he has promised, he texts me to inform me on this
  • He wants to talk about us and who we are and get deep on things
  • Even if his English and my German are rather bad, we still manage to be more open and honest about all sorts of discussion topics
So, this is the most straightforward process I have ever experienced, be it Swedes, Englishmen, Frenchmen, and not to mention.. Australian.

Question is if it's the nationality or perhaps just the fact that he is a straightforward person with perhaps some interests in not playing games? At any rate, it is good. I like it. It's very relaxing... Perhaps because it's a bit like miself.

4 kommentarer:

kitlizette sa...

fint min knas. L'ours rockar, jag kanner det pa mig.


Anonym sa...

Can you ask your Herr Deutsch if it not considered rude to STARE in Germany.... Find myself STARED at on a weekly basis when I am in Germany on business, making me paranoid about open zippers, big piece of banana side of my mouth etc.... Is it just me, or do Germans STARE a lot? Or do I just look very strange to Germans?

And you need to blog more often, I miss it!!!


ME sa...

will look into this very important matter asap. perhaps they are just plainly mesmerized by your beauty?!

Anonym sa...

Nooo. Is not like that (at least I hope not, is mainly middle aged ladies in very ugly fur coats that are doing the staring...) I am seriously intrigued.