fredag 29 februari 2008


After having seen Herr Reinfeldt defending his New Swedish Model (see posting below) and Mr Cameron doing his Clown-act, we all went to dinner at the fabulous Ciao Bella in Bloomsbury. All were me, Ms Media and her parents. The latter are a fantastically well-educated and knowledgeable couple who are also very friendly and social. And we discussed the lecture of course. And about the fact that the "Swedish Model" and all it stands for is just plain rubbish, more or less.

Yes, Sweden was a fantastic country in many aspects when I grew up, but it was also a very strict society with not room for any frills or encouragement for anyone who was a slight bit better, brighter or bouncier than others. Be it in school or in industry. Alla ar lika. Everyone is the same. But as we all know, perception is reality. And the lovely old motherland really managed to promote its excellence to the world and thus leaving the impression that yes, the Swedish Model is Fantastic. It wasn't all that good. But everyone in Sweden still believes that the rest of the world must think that our country is the BEST and most BEAUTFUL without any possible comparison.

Not entirely true.

My recommendation is Till Herr Bachmanns Broschyr by my beloved Carl-Johan Wallgren about a Swedish writer in exile in Germany. He is asked to write about Sweden in an information leaflet "Herr Bachmanns Broschyr". His hatred for his homecountry and its citizens is extremely humoristically and colourfully described and even if the writer is slighly mad, his views on Sweden are healthy for all to read. It gives a good distance to the glorified Swedish Model.

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